Step 1 of 5 for the Soul Art Journey Vision Quest:

Before the session, I felt dizzy in the brain with my mind running round and round through all the things that still need fixing, doing, and resolving. I thought to myself: “At least I said “yes” to this one good thing, a spiritual and creative journey with Nadia!” 

I had no idea what that would be like but I was going to let go and participate. I was excited about the potential.

During the session, it felt good to be heard. It felt safe, to be honest. It felt good to take this overview journey of my life and slowly go deeper with it. I had the sense of the possibility that I was coming to a point of clarity. 

On completion, I feel calm, clear, and centered in my intention to focus on my path and allow the Spirit to bring everything through the energy of gratitude even before any evidence of manifestation.

Nadia, as my guide, led me through the maze of life to lift the fog, and I was able to access my Soul’s wisdom which landed quite viscerally in my body.

My Soul Power Mantra is:

“I am so happy and grateful now that Spirit is the Power in my life.” 

Judy McNutt, the Holistic Book Coach

About the author 

Nadia S. Krauss

In May 2021, Nadia unveiled her transformative insights in the book "The Magic of Transformation - Igniting & Manifesting Your Soul Desires."

Following her passion, she initiated the facilitation of Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Processes for clients in July 2021, guiding them through profound spiritual transformations.

Expanding her platform, Nadia launched the Soul Health Mentor Podcast in May 2022, sharing wisdom and empowering conversations on soulful living.

In April 2023, she embarked on a new venture, guiding others on their Soul Art Journey Vision Quest, encouraging them to explore and express their innermost selves through art.

In all her endeavors, Nadia extends an invitation to learn the art of working with your Soul's medicine. By fostering a regular connection to the heart space, she guides you to manifest the dreams your Soul envisions for you.

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Out of your mind and into your Heart:

Happy. Healthy. Healed & Wealthy

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