CLIENT CASE STUDY/ TESTIMONIAL: Addressing and processing behaviors & habits!
From people-pleasing tendencies to creating better boundaries
“Before doing the Akashic Soul Realignment work with Nadia, I could sense that I wasn’t functioning at my best. There were behaviors and habits that were preventing me from thriving. .” – Tam
Beginning the Soul Realignment work, I was a bit nervous at first but Nadia delivered the information in such a gentle way and with such care.
After completing the 3-Step Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Process with Nadia, I notice my tendency to ‘people please’ a lot more easily and am able to ‘step back’ and evaluate before responding. I used to worry a lot more about what people thought of me, but I’m finding it easier to put boundaries in place.
I highly recommend working with Nadia in a 1:1 setting because of the way she is able to share information, that takes a minute to digest. She always did so in a gentle and caring way.
Doing this Akashic Soul Realignment work is incredibly informative and enlightening and also a truly beautiful (and beneficial) thing to feel so ‘seen’.
Tam, South Africa.
You can book your Akashic reading & mentoring session here to find out more!