CLIENT CASE STUDY/ TESTIMONIAL: Addressing and processing behaviors & habits!

From people-pleasing tendencies to creating better boundaries

“Before doing the Akashic Soul Realignment work with Nadia, I could sense that I wasn’t functioning at my best. There were behaviors and habits that were preventing me from thriving. .” – Tam

Beginning the Soul Realignment work, I was a bit nervous at first but Nadia delivered the information in such a gentle way and with such care. 

After completing the 3-Step Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Process with Nadia, I notice my tendency to ‘people please’ a lot more easily and am able to ‘step back’ and evaluate before responding. I used to worry a lot more about what people thought of me, but I’m finding it easier to put boundaries in place. 

I highly recommend working with Nadia in a 1:1 setting because of the way she is able to share information, that takes a minute to digest. She always did so in a gentle and caring way. 

Doing this Akashic Soul Realignment work is incredibly informative and enlightening and also a truly beautiful (and beneficial) thing to feel so ‘seen’.

Tam, South Africa.

You can book your Akashic reading & mentoring session here to find out more!

About the author 

Nadia S. Krauss

In May 2021, Nadia unveiled her transformative insights in the book "The Magic of Transformation - Igniting & Manifesting Your Soul Desires."

Following her passion, she initiated the facilitation of Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Processes for clients in July 2021, guiding them through profound spiritual transformations.

Expanding her platform, Nadia launched the Soul Health Mentor Podcast in May 2022, sharing wisdom and empowering conversations on soulful living.

In April 2023, she embarked on a new venture, guiding others on their Soul Art Journey Vision Quest, encouraging them to explore and express their innermost selves through art.

In all her endeavors, Nadia extends an invitation to learn the art of working with your Soul's medicine. By fostering a regular connection to the heart space, she guides you to manifest the dreams your Soul envisions for you.

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Out of your mind and into your Heart:

Happy. Healthy. Healed & Wealthy

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