“Before my soul’s heart journey session, I felt very tired. A little stressed and tense, something that easily happens before an appointment. A kind of anxiety. I also felt a bit confused, about the place I found myself in.

Through the process, and during the Soul Heart Journey Process, I noticed myself becoming calmer and calmer. 

I received such good guidance and support on what to expect from the journey which really put me at ease. The explanation of the journey we were about to embark on helped me see more easily the overall picture of our conversation

After the session, I felt much more energetic and motivated.

Together with Nadia, we came up with a good power statement. I loved receiving my Soul Power Mantra through this journey. ” – Aina from Norway.

Would you recommend other women take the call with Nadia, to go on a Soul Heart Journey, and afterward explore the Empowered Goddess Temple Membership & Soul Heart Journey Session? 

“Yes, absolutely!

I would definitely recommend the Goddess Temple membership to other women. I have been with this group for several years and it has given me more than words can describe and a lot of spiritual and personal growth. Nadia is a fantastic facilitator and has guided me in the right direction. I am very grateful to be a member of the goddess temple.” – Member since July 2016

About the author 

Nadia S. Krauss

In May 2021, Nadia unveiled her transformative insights in the book "The Magic of Transformation - Igniting & Manifesting Your Soul Desires."

Following her passion, she initiated the facilitation of Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Processes for clients in July 2021, guiding them through profound spiritual transformations.

Expanding her platform, Nadia launched the Soul Health Mentor Podcast in May 2022, sharing wisdom and empowering conversations on soulful living.

In April 2023, she embarked on a new venture, guiding others on their Soul Art Journey Vision Quest, encouraging them to explore and express their innermost selves through art.

In all her endeavors, Nadia extends an invitation to learn the art of working with your Soul's medicine. By fostering a regular connection to the heart space, she guides you to manifest the dreams your Soul envisions for you.

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