
Your Self-Love Journey

in the Empowered Goddess Temple!

Pouring Your Heart into Yourself & Others
Celebrating your & their Wins with Joy
Quality Time is Your Love Language

  • You thrive on supporting and cherishing your loved ones, finding immense joy in the moments you spend with them and your friends. However, in the midst of cheering on others, you've realized something crucial - you're not dedicating enough quality time to yourself.
  • .Embark on a Transformational Path
  • Join a Community of Self-Love Seekers
    Rediscover Your Unique Glow
    Craft a Personal Narrative
  • Explore a transformative journey that goes beyond supporting others. Our membership community is designed to help you rediscover the joy of spending quality time with yourself.

Join a community of self-love seekers, and let your heart sing for your own victories.

Unlock Your True Self.

If you've ever felt like searching for your keys but coming up empty-handed, you're not alone. You excel at adapting to your surroundings, effortlessly understanding the needs of others. It's like playing "dress up" and seamlessly shifting to fit into any environment, all while showering those around you with love.

While this ability can be enjoyable, it can lead to a subtle challenge. Imagine "playing dress up" turns into a constant shape-shifting act, adapting like a chameleon. In this dynamic, the line between authenticity and confusion blurs.

In the realm of confused energy, the connection to your True Self weakens. Spending quality time with yourself becomes a greater challenge. Recognize the need to slow down, to process, and to embrace self-care.

Discover the Empowered Goddess Temple Cause

Join the Empowered Goddess Temple Cause to regain balance. Learn how this community supports your journey toward authenticity and self-care. Seize this empowering opportunity and embrace the journey to your authentic self – EXPLORE NOW!

Continue Uncovering Your Path: A Personal Message from Nadia

Hello, I'm Nadia, and I've walked in those well-worn shoes of yours!

Shapeshifting and adapting to my environment, harmonizing the space—also known as people-pleasing—was a regular part of my journey. Fiercely loving everyone around me and believing in the best version of them was my mission. I dedicated myself to nurturing and supporting THAT!

While being a Fierce Lover is a beautiful thing, this gift can take a toll when the connection to the authentic and True Self is lost. Suddenly, the gift becomes "the curse." The way forward lies in learning from the pain, extracting wisdom nuggets, and embracing the opportunity for growth.

Welcome Endings and Embrace Lifestyle Surgery!

You're encouraged to welcome endings, understanding that it's okay to declare completion to anything lingering and dragging you down emotionally. I call this process Lifestyle Surgery—an empowering journey where the pain becomes the catalyst for transformation.

Embark on Your Healing & Empowerment Journey

It's time to embrace your healing and empowerment journey. Practice the discovery of sweetness in your life, exploring it in every area of your existence. Together, let's uncover the gems within your experiences and forge a path towards authenticity and self-love.

Join me and others on this transformative journey. Explore the depth of your true self—BEGIN NOW!

Continue Your Soulful Journey: 

Embrace the Invitation  

Embark on this Adventure with Us

Are you ready to join me and the Sanctuary Sisterhood gathering in "The Empowered Goddess Temple" to experience a new way of being? If your response is a resounding "Heartfelt YES!"—keep reading.

This journey is an invitation to unlock the power within, embracing a path that leads to self-discovery, healing, and a connection with the divine. Let's embark on this adventure together—where transformation awaits at every step.

Say "YES!" and Uncover Your Divine Potential

If your heart is echoing a "YES!" right now, you're on the brink of a profound journey. Keep reading as we guide you through the transformative sanctuary that awaits you within "The Empowered Goddess Temple."

Guiding Your Soulful Journey: A Message from Nadia, Your Soul Sister & Soul Health Mentor

As your dedicated Soul Sister and Soul Health Mentor, I'm here to help you fill in the gaps and guide you on a transformative journey within "The Empowered Goddess Temple."

Rich Rewards of Authentic Sisterhood

Throughout your time in the Temple, you'll discover the profound therapeutic qualities of true friendships. There's nothing more rewarding than reaching out to someone and embracing an authentic relationship within a sisterhood that genuinely has your best interests at heart.

Goddess Resource Center: Your Sanctuary for Self-Care & Soul-Care

The Temple serves as a Goddess Resource Center, offering a wealth of self-care and Soul-Care practices and tools. These resources are designed to encourage and support your highest plan and path, allowing you to become a peaceful vessel of divine love and healing.

Cultivating Flow and Embracing Divine Timing

In the Temple, we go with the flow and cultivate the art of rolling with it. We manifest, create, and practice self-care & Soul-Care in natural rhythms and cycles, acknowledging that some elements are beyond our control. We trust in the mystery of the Divine Feminine, sisterhood friendships, and the power of expressing Soul desires through both Light Work and Shadow Healing.

Your Questions Answered, Your Journey Nourished

I am here to address your questions and provide the support you need to nourish and nurture yourself through a lifestyle filled with self-care & Soul-care. 


Ready to embark on this empowering journey? Book Your Enrollment Call Now and let's begin your transformation within "The Empowered Goddess Temple."

Unlocking Your Soul's Potential:

Nadia's SOULution

Curious about the SOULution I offer?

I'm here to support you in activating sacred self-care & Soul-care routines, empowering you to embody quantum healing practices crucial for actualization. Imagine living in your preferred state of reality, experiencing the freedom that comes from flying—uplifted and unrestricted.

My message for women is clear: There's no need to stay frazzled, frustrated, or overwhelmed by life's challenges. There's always a way back to innovating Soul Health and transforming your relationship with yourself and others.

I stand firm in my belief that NO WOMAN should ever feel drained, strained, or running on empty. Every woman deserves to feel empowered with choices—choices in alignment with her Soul that can change the trajectory she's on.

Are You Ready for the Adventure?

Are you ready to boldly go where you've never gone before? To explore the depths of yourself, understand true Soul alignment, and create all you require, desire, and deserve? If your answer is a resounding YES, then let's step off the beaten path together.

Embark on this Uncharted Journey with Me—Are You In?

If you're ready for this transformative adventure, let's venture into the uncharted territories of self-discovery and Soul alignment. Say YES to yourself—because you deserve the extraordinary. Are you in? Let's Begin!

Decide with Ease: Your Path to Freedom & Possibility

Coming to a conclusion, making a choice doesn't have to be a daunting task; it can be EASY! Anchored in effective simplicity—As Easy As 1 ~ 2 ~ 3!

1. Listen to Podcast Episode #57: "What is a Goddess Warrior?"In this enlightening episode, I answer the question of what it truly means to be a Goddess Warrior. I share my unapologetic message for women, guiding you towards empowerment and self-discovery.

2. Book Your Enrollment Call: Activate Your Intention In this personalized call, we activate your intentions and help you gain clarity on your guiding North Star Soul Power Mantra for 2023. It's a transformative step towards aligning with your true self.

3. Check Out the Temple: Immediate Access to a Month of Membership Gains After your call, dive into our virtual Temple Space & Sanctuary Sisterhood. Experience the membership gains for an entire month and discover how being a part of this community adds incredible value to your life.

Book Your Enrollment Call Now and embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery and empowerment.

Remember: It's as Simple as 1 ~ 2 ~ 3!

This streamlined approach ensures that your decision-making process is clear, straightforward, and, most importantly, tailored to your unique journey. Click on the colored lines to explore each step, and let's begin your transformative adventure.

What Members Are Saying About Working with Nadia!

“Nadia helped me experience myself as empowered in my actions on a Soul-level.”

"Nadia inspires me on every level. Body. Mind. Heart. Soul.

Positive thinking, health & spirituality.

She has guided me through one of my toughest years. 

I have learned so much from her and continue to learn from her, and her community." 

I am so grateful for Nadia!

Aina M. Molstre
- Norway

“I appreciate Nadia's leading Soul voice!"

 "Nadia is a leading voice in teaching, how women's nourishment influences all levels of being and how it is connected with pleasure and prosperity as well. Not like other typical health coaching advice that you might see online. She goes to the heart of the matter.
Helping you create immediate (and long-lasting) change in your relationship with food, eating, self-care, Soul-care and a life worthy of personalized pleasure!"
Nina Modaresi
- Canada

“Working with Nadia is wonderful!"

"She is able to help you penetrate through any of the BS that stops you from living, eating, nurturing and connecting in a pleasurable way.
Everything she offers is simple, yet deeply transformative.
Thank you Nadia for your amazing presence, tools and support!"

Jennifer Victoria Bell
- United States

Empowering Women: A Soul-Aligned Journey

Let me say it once more—I am here to support spiritually-gifted women in standing firmly in their Power & Love through sacred self-care & Soul-care, the Goddess way!

In pursuit of this mission, I've crafted a unique membership program that assists women in designing a lifestyle tailored to their bespoke Soul-aligned needs, harmonizing with the Earth and its moon cycles.

A Vision for the Empowered Goddess Temple

Women excel at giving but often struggle with receiving, and while they are adept at helping others, self-care can sometimes take a back seat. My vision for our Empowered Goddess Temple is simple yet profound: I envision every woman blooming into a "full cup of Love."

Becoming a "Full Cup of Love"

Imagine a world where every woman is a "full cup of Love," generously sharing her overflow with the world. This is not just a vision; it's a reality we can create together.

Join Us in Blooming: Book Your Enrollment Call

Are you ready to embrace a transformative journey where you stand firmly in your Power & Love? Book your enrollment call now and let's embark on a path where every woman becomes a beacon of Love, transforming not just herself but the world around her.

A Few More Testimonials ...

“Journeying with Nadia is awesome!."


Nadia is very authentic and genuinely wants to help others. I can feel it every time I interact with her, and it is what was most exciting for me, in this experience."

Brittnie Lamb
- United States

“Journeying with Nadia is lovely!"

"Nadia is a really lovely, gentle, inspiring and encouraging guide. 

"She is patient, kind and ever so generous in her gifting of wisdom, knowledge and inspiration. 

I have loved working with Nadia and am excited for all the other women she can help with her beauty and grace." 

Rachel Andrews
- England

Unlock the Benefits: Your Empowered Goddess Temple Membership  

Embarking on this transformative journey with me in the high-touch, intimate Empowered Goddess Temple Membership, here's a glimpse of what awaits you:

  • Sisterhood Community:
    • Connect with a sisterhood of like-minded women eager to learn, grow, and engage in meaningful and deep conversations.
  • Weekly Check-Ins:
    • Join our Empowered Goddess Temple FB Group for weekly check-ins, syncing with natural rhythms and cycles.


  • Monthly Moon Updates:
    • Receive Monthly New Moon & Full Moon Cosmic Updates & Upgrades, aligning your energy with the celestial dance.

  • 7-Day Temple Experiences:
    • Immerse yourself in 7-Day Temple Experiences to implement Sacred Self-Care & Soul-Care Tiny Habits for lasting transformation.

  • Love Yourself Journey Guide Book & Journal:
    • Access the Love Yourself Journey Guide Book & Journal, designed to amplify your Radiant Self-Love Leadership Magnetism.

  • Goddess Resource Center:
    • Explore the Goddess Resource Center, a rich treasury of self-care and Soul-Care practices and tools for your empowerment

The Course Pillars of the Temple:

  • Shift Into Abundance Book Club Course: Unearth the secrets to manifesting abundance in all areas of your life.
  • Daily Rituals That Create Positive Change Course: Cultivate powerful daily rituals to enhance your well-being.
  • Manifesting in Natural Rhythms & Cycles Course: Learn to manifest in alignment with natural cosmic cycles.
  • Soul Art Journey Vision Quests & Workshops: Tap into your creative spirit with transformative Soul Art journeys.
  • Each Course Is Designed To:
    • Build your body strong: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and soulfully.
    • Foster all-encompassing well-BEING & nourishing wellness
  • BONUS: Nourishment for Body & Soul Course!
    • A step-by-step implementation course offering holistic nourishment for both your body and soul.

Ready to experience these transformative benefits and embark on a journey
to radiant empowerment and holistic well-being?

Copyright - Happy Wholesome Life Soul-utions
