Soul Power ON!

The top 4 most frequently asked questions...


What are Akashic Records? 

Imagine them like a spiritual search function (much like Google) for your “book of life.”

The Akashic records are the storehouse of all information in the Universe. It's every word, deed, feeling, thought, and intent for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. 

Within this universal etheric field, you can discover your secret gift to unlock your power and manifest the life of your dreams.


Is it like Human Design or Gene Keys? 

No it is not. Human design tells you about the energy in your body and what your natural mind set and your skill set around that is. Gene Keys tell you the sequence of your mindful embodiment "lessons" in this lifetime. So I would call these a meta-physical tool for the mind-body connection. 

Reading and clearing in akashic records is a meta-physical tool for Soul & heart healing, activating transformation and empowerment at Soul-level. It's deep, fast, and cleansing. 


Do you barter? 

I do not offer bartering opportunities in my business, no.

The opportunity to work with me (during the start-up phase of my business) and do work on the basis of an exchange, for a testimonial & client experience report, has passed. I no longer do this. 

I however do have a free resource that provides you with weekly Soul power boosts to support you in empowering yourself.

It's my Soul Health Mentor Podcast with lots of 'out of your mind and into your heart' wisdom to support you. 

You can check it out here:


What is the financial investment to work with you?

STEP 1: In this session, - $111
we activate Your Divine Soul's Blueprint!

Your Soul's Primary Gift. 

STEP 2: In this session, - $133
we do a Soul Realignment Akashic Record Clearing & Healing Activation.

STEP 3: In this session, $111
we ensure that you are making new and right choices that support you in self-actualizing your heart's wishes and Soul desires by activating your self-love leadership to create a life drenched in unshakable self-worth and unapologetic self-love. 


Soul Health Mentoring & Soul Realignment - $333
Energetic Business Assessment for Alignment of Money Channels & Financial Abundance
Step 1: $197
Assessment of your services, marketing, sales, and delivery process.
Step 2: $555
Akashic records clearing & alignment in services, marketing, sales, and delivery.

Some more questions & answers...


What is the time investment in regards to the 3-Step Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Process? 

This transformational process spans over a period of 4-6 weeks. The time investment involved is as follows:

  • Activating Your Spiritual Gift - 1hr session
  • Receiving your original Divine Soul Blueprint Akashic Transmission - 1hr Audio
  • Your Interactive Akashic clearing session & audio - 1.5 hrs
  • Retrieving your spiritual gift & power - 21-day akashic clearing prayer process.
  • Closing integration of the Akashic Soul Realignment Reading, Clearing & Healing - 1hr session

How does energy work in my Akashic records influence me physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually?

I created two podcast episodes to answer this question, as working in the records is a multi-dimensional & meta-physical experience.  

You can check out the show notes and listen to the episodes on the blog. 

* The 4 Pillars of Soul Health
* A Guided Soul Power Retrieval Process


Do you offer Soul Health Mentoring Programs after my foundational reading, clearing, and healing? 

I do, yes. My month-to-month mentorship programs are bespoke and highly customized to your needs, requirements & what you are looking to manifest next. 


Are you available to be a guest speaker on Soul Health, Soul Realignment & the Akashic Records?

I am, yes!

You can learn more about my Soul Health Mentor speaking topics here.


Do you do energy reading & clearing for businesses via the Akashic record? 

Yes, I do. We can connect on a 15-min call where I answer your questions in regards to you and your business.
You can book that connection call here.

Ready to Master Your Transformation?
