German language – case studies – Nadia S. Krauss Author/ Speaker/Soul Health Mentor Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:37:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 German language – case studies – Nadia S. Krauss 32 32 194783959 From Feeling Anxious to Energized & Motivated Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:35:13 +0000 “Before my soul’s heart journey session, I felt very tired. A little stressed and tense, something that easily happens before an appointment. A kind of anxiety. I also felt a bit confused, about the place I found myself in.

Through the process, and during the Soul Heart Journey Process, I noticed myself becoming calmer and calmer. 

I received such good guidance and support on what to expect from the journey which really put me at ease. The explanation of the journey we were about to embark on helped me see more easily the overall picture of our conversation

After the session, I felt much more energetic and motivated.

Together with Nadia, we came up with a good power statement. I loved receiving my Soul Power Mantra through this journey. ” – Aina from Norway.

Would you recommend other women take the call with Nadia, to go on a Soul Heart Journey, and afterward explore the Empowered Goddess Temple Membership & Soul Heart Journey Session? 

“Yes, absolutely!

I would definitely recommend the Goddess Temple membership to other women. I have been with this group for several years and it has given me more than words can describe and a lot of spiritual and personal growth. Nadia is a fantastic facilitator and has guided me in the right direction. I am very grateful to be a member of the goddess temple.” – Member since July 2016

From Depleted to Meaning and Joy! Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:30:55 +0000 A Client Testimonial & Experience via a Soul Heart Journey Intention Setting Session, with Nadia!

Before the recent Soul Heart Journey Session with Nadia … it was a Tuesday and, to be honest, I have been dealing with some personal issues that have left me depleted at times. I wasn’t looking forward to working on Wednesday and Thursday. But I WAS looking forward to engaging with Nadia because we always connect and “dance the dance” together so beautifully. 

I didn’t really know what to expect from the Soul Heart Journey Session and I assumed it would be just informative more than anything. Nadia and I have worked one-on-one for 16 months in a comprehensive program and I expected this would be more like a chat session than what our previous work had been, which was more in-depth. 

I couldn’t have been more wrong about that! Nadia doesn’t do anything halfway and it actually turned out to be enlightening and transformative on a deep level which is saying a lot given the amount of soul and personal work we’ve done together over the years. I always take notes during the session because we come up with such great, useful nuggets of insight. As it turns out, this particular session was so engaging for me! 

It was interactive and I felt understood and heard. Not only that, Nadia’s intuition is so finely attuned that she connected the dots and even added MORE dots. I have to say that it was an extremely enjoyable and meaningful conversation and session. 

After the session, Nadia went above and beyond, creating audio for my use as well as beautiful graphics using the custom affirmations that we created just for me, and for my current life situation and needs. I really use these tools in my life, and I felt so gifted by all of this! I’m very happy with this journey I am on with Nadia and her friends. 

With deep gratitude, Leesa

You can book your Soul heArt Journey Session with Nadia here!

Testimonies of the Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Process Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:26:21 +0000 Here is one from Leesa, in the US: 
” I was just thinking about our 16 months of one-on-one. It was the best investment in myself that I’ve ever made. Looking back. I have so many tools, now. So much confidence in myself. Even when I don’t feel confident, at times. Does that even make any sense? I think it does, and you know what I’m saying. You opened my mind, my eyes, and my heart. Thank you.” 

And another from Evi, in Italy:

“Before my Akashic work with Nadia, I felt helplessly overwhelmed and could observe how my reaction to external circumstances was not appropriate to the actual circumstances. I knew intuitively that there were deeper root causes that wanted to come to light.

I find the work with Nadia very pleasant, full of joy, exciting, and insightful. Also full of surprises and powerful insights that I would never have recognized alone.

After the energy work in my Akashic Records, I feel stronger and more secure, I am calmer and more deliberate, less impulsive.

My faith in myself is constantly increasing, I believe in a higher authority that means well, accompanies me, and shows me the way when I am ready to see it then this way opens up for me.

I love this feeling of Soul Health Mentoring with Nadia and the 1 to 1 coaching. Being in such close contact with each other and being accompanied on my path. I have done many group training and coaching masterclasses etc. but never allowed myself this 1 to 1. I am extremely grateful to have taken this step now.

I highly recommend the Akashic work and Soul Health Mentoring with Nadia because I wish everyone to tackle the difficulties and problems that arise in everyday life at the root. Addressing the root and not just scratching the symptoms on the surface.

Here is one that includes both an Empowered Goddess Temple testimonial AND 1:1 Akashic Records Soul Realignment: 

Discovering what this new alignment with Spirit is and how it is changing in my life!

From feeling isolated to feeling connected

“Prior to the Soul Realignment Reading, Healing & Clearing I was a bit nervous but open to the truth of what needed to be cleared and healed.” – Brittnie Lamb

It was a powerful experience. As Nadia provided the information that was given to her within the records, I was able to find where it resonated and it was spot on with looking at past lives that are impacting behaviors and patterns that I’m living now. This also helped me to identify recurring themes played out in different scenarios over the course of this lifetime.

Such as healing co-dependant behaviors, finding a community that truly feels right vs isolating, affirming the desire to really step into my authentic power getting my needs met, and building a daily routine in my life that supports my dreams.

Nadia also gave me a Divine Soul’s Blueprint Reading that gave me a map of my Soul’s gift. With this understanding, I am now able to implement the knowledge of my Soul’s gift to create a new reality for myself. Dynamics in personal and professional relationships are shifting. Old wounds are being addressed and tended to. Discovering what my Soul truly came here to do, and integrating that with my passion, seems easier now that I am in alignment. I feel I am still discovering what this new alignment with my Soul’s gift is changing in my life and I am honoring that! Nadia is very authentic and genuinely wants to help others. I can feel it every time I interact with her, and it is what was most exciting for me, in this experience.

Also, the fact, I had already created the sacred space for this to happen naturally and organically, by being part of Nadia’s membership program and her community.

This allowed me to do this work with her – no barriers, concerns, or trust issues on my part. The relationship I had already built with myself, through the support of the membership, also supported me in being able to authentically show up here, in this powerful and transformational Soul Realignment container.

“I highly recommend anyone who is experiencing blocks and also finding themselves continuously getting in their own way in regards to meeting their desired goals to book a Soul Realignment Session with Nadia! Starting with a Soul Power ON! Discovery Call to meet with her.”

Brittnie Lamb, Washington State.

Walking My Talk & Taking My Medicine! Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:09:39 +0000

My Personal Soul Realignment and Soul Art Vision Questing Journey

As you might know from my book “The Magic of Transformation – Igniting & Manifesting Soul Desires” or my podcast Soul Health Mentor, I have been opening my Soul’s Akashic Record since the age of 14.

This has helped me quantum jump and leap from one transformation to the next many times in my life.

The Soul Art Process created by Laura Hollick helped me process the deeper layers of difficult emotions that shook loose when I was going through Akashic records clearings.

These deeper layers of emotions needed to be felt in my body without disassociating when difficult feelings arose. As part of the 5-Step Soul Art Journey Process, there is a step called body mapping and this step helped me to be in my body while creating my Soul Art. Staying with it, and allowing myself to feel the feelings, so my truest essence could rise to be embodied by me!

This new embodiment then supported major transformations in my life to complete and Soul’s desires to manifest.

I have been a practicing Soul Artist since 2017! Soul Art has given me the courage and boldness to embody my essence. My own Soul Art showed me how to be brave in the pursuit of embodying my essence, my True Nature. 

So much so that I decided to become a certified Soul Art Guide to guide others through this process of embodiment, healing, and empowerment. 

I have recently been featured in the Soul Art School Art Exhibit amongst more than 50 other brilliant Soul Artists and had my little moment of speaking about my Soul Art experience in the official Soul Art School Art Exhibit zoom opening. 

During my Soul Art Certification Journey,
I learned so much about myself as a guide & mentor!

I am able to hold space for someone else’s wisdom to emerge.

There is absolutely no need for old paradigm thinking or behavior in this transformational work, no need to “work hard” or to be in “achieving mode”. Totally not necessary!

How wonderful to experience this!

It feels so powerful and blessed to witness the truest and deepest desire of a client revealing itself and landing in their intention. That moment where the client and I get to witness their Soul’s wisdom emerging is priceless!

It’s nothing our minds can contrive or know beforehand and it feels so freeing and liberating this way.

My heart and Soul are WOWed by Soul Art for others and myself!

The thing that excites me the most about being a certified Soul Art Guide…is to witness others BLOOM!

Learn more about going on a Soul Art Journey Vision Quest with me here or Unlock Your Secret Gift through Soul Realignment here.

Soul Heart Session Power Mantra Fri, 15 Sep 2023 06:40:21 +0000

Step 1 of 5 for the Soul Art Journey Vision Quest:

Before the session, I felt dizzy in the brain with my mind running round and round through all the things that still need fixing, doing, and resolving. I thought to myself: “At least I said “yes” to this one good thing, a spiritual and creative journey with Nadia!” 

I had no idea what that would be like but I was going to let go and participate. I was excited about the potential.

During the session, it felt good to be heard. It felt safe, to be honest. It felt good to take this overview journey of my life and slowly go deeper with it. I had the sense of the possibility that I was coming to a point of clarity. 

On completion, I feel calm, clear, and centered in my intention to focus on my path and allow the Spirit to bring everything through the energy of gratitude even before any evidence of manifestation.

Nadia, as my guide, led me through the maze of life to lift the fog, and I was able to access my Soul’s wisdom which landed quite viscerally in my body.

My Soul Power Mantra is:

“I am so happy and grateful now that Spirit is the Power in my life.” 

Judy McNutt, the Holistic Book Coach

Healthy Boundaries in South Africa! Thu, 01 Dec 2022 15:10:39 +0000 CLIENT CASE STUDY/ TESTIMONIAL: Addressing and processing behaviors & habits!

From people-pleasing tendencies to creating better boundaries

“Before doing the Akashic Soul Realignment work with Nadia, I could sense that I wasn’t functioning at my best. There were behaviors and habits that were preventing me from thriving. .” – Tam

Beginning the Soul Realignment work, I was a bit nervous at first but Nadia delivered the information in such a gentle way and with such care. 

After completing the 3-Step Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Process with Nadia, I notice my tendency to ‘people please’ a lot more easily and am able to ‘step back’ and evaluate before responding. I used to worry a lot more about what people thought of me, but I’m finding it easier to put boundaries in place. 

I highly recommend working with Nadia in a 1:1 setting because of the way she is able to share information, that takes a minute to digest. She always did so in a gentle and caring way. 

Doing this Akashic Soul Realignment work is incredibly informative and enlightening and also a truly beautiful (and beneficial) thing to feel so ‘seen’.

Tam, South Africa.

You can book your Akashic reading & mentoring session here to find out more!

Happy Kunde: Mein Glaube an mich Selbst nimmt stetig zu! Thu, 10 Nov 2022 17:00:41 +0000 Vor meiner Akasha-Chronik Arbeit mit Nadia fühlte ich mich hilflos überfordert und konnte beobachten wie meine Reaktion auf äussere Umstände nicht angemessen der eigentlichen Umstände war. Ich wusste intuitiv das da tiefere Wurzelursachen zum Vorschein kommen wollten.

Die Arbeit mit Nadia empfinde ich als sehr angenehm , voller Freude, spannend und erkenntnisreich . Auch voller Überraschungen und kraftvollen Einsichten die ich alleine niemals erkannt hätte.

Nach der Energie Arbeit in meiner Akasha-Chronik fühle ich mich stärker und sicherer, bin ruhiger und überlegter, weniger impulsiv.

Mein Glaube in mich selbst nimmt stetig zu, ich glaube an eine höhere Instanz die es gut mit mir meint und mich begleitet und mir den Weg weist wenn ich bereit bin ihn zu sehen dann tut sich dieser Weg auf für mich.

Ich liebe dieses Gefühl des Soul Health Mentoring mit Nadia und dem 1 zu 1 Coachings . In so engem Kontakt miteinander und auf meinem Weg begleitet zu sein . Da ich viele Gruppenfortbildungen und Coaching Masterclases usw. gemacht habe, aber dieses 1 zu 1 nie mir gegönnt habe ,bin ich überaus dankbar diesen Schritt jetzt gemacht zu haben.

Ich kann die Akasha- Chronik Arbeit & das Soul Health Mentoring mit Nadia wärmstens empfehlen, weil ich jedem nur wünschen kann die Schwierigkeiten und Probleme die sich im Alltag zeigen an der Wurzel anzupacken . Wirklich an der Wurzel und nicht nur die Symptome an der Oberfläche ankratzen .

Evi aus Südtirol

Du kannst ganz einfach hier starten!

More Energy in Canada Thu, 20 Oct 2022 22:49:33 +0000 CLIENT CASE STUDY/ TESTIMONIAL: Processing the not-so-easy or fun!

From feeling exhausted to releasing self-doubt

“Before doing the Akashic Soul Realignment work with Nadia, I was doing a lot of personal growth courses like learning about the Kabala and also being part of a Healer Academy. I was also working with a Human Design business coach, all while working a demanding full-time job and feeling physically exhausted.” – Aleksandra

Beginning with my Akashic reading, it felt inspiring to learn more about my Soul’s gift. The whole process was interesting and fun. It answered quite a few questions I had while also confirming my inner knowing.

After the Akashic clearing process, I had more energy to do the things I set out to do. I moved to Canada to be closer to my family. And then a certain life situation presented itself to really address long-held grief and process it. All of these situations and challenges were showing me to take better care of myself.

During the time I worked with Nadia, it was her personality that helped me to experience joy and fun even when the topics addressed weren’t so easy or fun. I loved listening to her Akashic transmission audios experiencing wisdom that felt energizing and grounding at the same time.

I highly recommend the Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Process because it is informative, helpful, fun, and interesting. Getting the confirmation on my inner knowing and questions answered helped me release self-doubt.”

A. S., Canada

You can book your Akashic reading & mentoring session here to find out more!

Living on Purpose in Michigan Thu, 20 Oct 2022 22:31:09 +0000 CLIENT CASE STUDY/ TESTIMONIAL: Curiously addressing challenging situations! 

From feeling stuck to clearly speaking out!

“Before the Soul Realignment Reading, Clearing & Healing Process I felt stuck in a number of areas of my life, mostly around speaking out.”  – John 

I enjoyed working with Nadia. She is clear about every step of the process, and shows a genuine interest in my soul’s journey. 

After going through the Soul Realignment Process I notice that challenging situations have a “curious” quality to them – that is “how can I solve this” rather than fearing it or avoiding it. 

I also have full capacity of my voice now, and I can use it. My soul purpose feels clearer, but even more, my ability/desire/tools to carry it out seem closer at hand, and more readily available to me. 

I enjoyed Nadia’s lovely warm energy and the connection she made with me. I felt very comfortable in her presence. 

I recommend working with Nadia as she has mastered the Soul Realignment principles herself and is able to explain them clearly to her clients. Her ability to both explain what is going on, and carry out this important work is amazing. 

John V., Michigan

Go here to book an Akashic reading & mentoring session with Nadia to get started!

Wahre Befreiung in Deutschland Thu, 20 Oct 2022 22:28:02 +0000 Kundenbeispiel & Empfehlung: Eine wahre Befreiung!

Von der Unsicherheit zur eigenen Wahrheit

“Vor dem Soul Realignment Reading, Healing, und Clearing war ich voller Selbstzweifel und verurteilte mein Sein. .” – Julia

Ich fühlte mich nicht gut genug für mich selbst und für andere. Innerer Unfrieden war mein ständiger Begleiter. 

Das erste Reading zu erhalten fühlte  sich an wie eine wahre Befreiung. Meinen Seelenursprung so klar vorgelegt zu bekommen verhalf mir dazu endlich erkennen zu dürfen, dass ich genau so wie ich bin, gut bin. 

Nachdem ich das Reading und das Clearing erhalten habe fühle ich mich sicherer in meinem gesamten Leben. Die Erkenntnis, die ich gewinnen durfte, stärkt mein Selbstvertrauen und lässt mich immer mehr meiner Intuition folgen. 

Es ist ein Geschenk mit Nadia gemeinsam neue Wege zu beschreiten. Ich schöpfte unvorstellbar viel Kraft aus unseren Calls.

 Jeder Mensch hat es verdient, zu seinem Ursprung zu finden und ich kann mir keine bessere Mentorin als Nadia vorstellen. 

Julia, Deutschland

Buche doch einfach deinen Discovery Call mit Nadia und leg heute noch los!
