Here is one from Leesa, in the US: 
” I was just thinking about our 16 months of one-on-one. It was the best investment in myself that I’ve ever made. Looking back. I have so many tools, now. So much confidence in myself. Even when I don’t feel confident, at times. Does that even make any sense? I think it does, and you know what I’m saying. You opened my mind, my eyes, and my heart. Thank you.” 

And another from Evi, in Italy:

“Before my Akashic work with Nadia, I felt helplessly overwhelmed and could observe how my reaction to external circumstances was not appropriate to the actual circumstances. I knew intuitively that there were deeper root causes that wanted to come to light.

I find the work with Nadia very pleasant, full of joy, exciting, and insightful. Also full of surprises and powerful insights that I would never have recognized alone.

After the energy work in my Akashic Records, I feel stronger and more secure, I am calmer and more deliberate, less impulsive.

My faith in myself is constantly increasing, I believe in a higher authority that means well, accompanies me, and shows me the way when I am ready to see it then this way opens up for me.

I love this feeling of Soul Health Mentoring with Nadia and the 1 to 1 coaching. Being in such close contact with each other and being accompanied on my path. I have done many group training and coaching masterclasses etc. but never allowed myself this 1 to 1. I am extremely grateful to have taken this step now.

I highly recommend the Akashic work and Soul Health Mentoring with Nadia because I wish everyone to tackle the difficulties and problems that arise in everyday life at the root. Addressing the root and not just scratching the symptoms on the surface.

Here is one that includes both an Empowered Goddess Temple testimonial AND 1:1 Akashic Records Soul Realignment: 

Discovering what this new alignment with Spirit is and how it is changing in my life!

From feeling isolated to feeling connected

“Prior to the Soul Realignment Reading, Healing & Clearing I was a bit nervous but open to the truth of what needed to be cleared and healed.” – Brittnie Lamb

It was a powerful experience. As Nadia provided the information that was given to her within the records, I was able to find where it resonated and it was spot on with looking at past lives that are impacting behaviors and patterns that I’m living now. This also helped me to identify recurring themes played out in different scenarios over the course of this lifetime.

Such as healing co-dependant behaviors, finding a community that truly feels right vs isolating, affirming the desire to really step into my authentic power getting my needs met, and building a daily routine in my life that supports my dreams.

Nadia also gave me a Divine Soul’s Blueprint Reading that gave me a map of my Soul’s gift. With this understanding, I am now able to implement the knowledge of my Soul’s gift to create a new reality for myself. Dynamics in personal and professional relationships are shifting. Old wounds are being addressed and tended to. Discovering what my Soul truly came here to do, and integrating that with my passion, seems easier now that I am in alignment. I feel I am still discovering what this new alignment with my Soul’s gift is changing in my life and I am honoring that! Nadia is very authentic and genuinely wants to help others. I can feel it every time I interact with her, and it is what was most exciting for me, in this experience.

Also, the fact, I had already created the sacred space for this to happen naturally and organically, by being part of Nadia’s membership program and her community.

This allowed me to do this work with her – no barriers, concerns, or trust issues on my part. The relationship I had already built with myself, through the support of the membership, also supported me in being able to authentically show up here, in this powerful and transformational Soul Realignment container.

“I highly recommend anyone who is experiencing blocks and also finding themselves continuously getting in their own way in regards to meeting their desired goals to book a Soul Realignment Session with Nadia! Starting with a Soul Power ON! Discovery Call to meet with her.”

Brittnie Lamb, Washington State.

About the author 

Nadia S. Krauss

In May 2021, Nadia unveiled her transformative insights in the book "The Magic of Transformation - Igniting & Manifesting Your Soul Desires."

Following her passion, she initiated the facilitation of Soul Realignment Power Retrieval Processes for clients in July 2021, guiding them through profound spiritual transformations.

Expanding her platform, Nadia launched the Soul Health Mentor Podcast in May 2022, sharing wisdom and empowering conversations on soulful living.

In April 2023, she embarked on a new venture, guiding others on their Soul Art Journey Vision Quest, encouraging them to explore and express their innermost selves through art.

In all her endeavors, Nadia extends an invitation to learn the art of working with your Soul's medicine. By fostering a regular connection to the heart space, she guides you to manifest the dreams your Soul envisions for you.

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Out of your mind and into your Heart:

Happy. Healthy. Healed & Wealthy

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